
I am a mother, daughter, granddaughter, friend, lover, employee.

I am lovely, hard, soft, easy, complicated, fearless, strong, scared, shocked, unshockable, intelligent, gullible, trusting, wary, closed off, extremely open, angry, crazy, sane and incredibly happy.

I am all things I want to be. I need to be some things I am not. I have been the things that brought me here. I need to tell a story. My way. In my time. For me.

Apr 10, 2010

Chapter One

I sold my body for money.

Why you ask?  I don't have the answer to why.  I have stories and pieces of memories and a lot of forgotten moments.  I want tell what I remember.

It is a story.  My story.  The story of how I came to be this amazing person.  This amazing, flawed, human.  I don't know where to start quite yet.  Im hoping that the story can evolve organically.  I write a bit.  You comment.  Maybe ask me a question or two.  And maybe each chapter will evolve that way.  The timelines aren't clear.  The why's aren't clear.

What is clear is that it happened.  It was my choice.  I lived through it.  I got out.  I thrived.


  1. Thanks for stopping by my blog. Can't wait to read more of your story!

  2. My pleasure! Looking forward to reading more of your stories. Want to sit down and read back a bit! =) I am stuck as to where to start though. Oh well it will come!

  3. What Amander said. I'm definitely intrigued.

  4. I agree with Rainwolf. Please continue
