
I am a mother, daughter, granddaughter, friend, lover, employee.

I am lovely, hard, soft, easy, complicated, fearless, strong, scared, shocked, unshockable, intelligent, gullible, trusting, wary, closed off, extremely open, angry, crazy, sane and incredibly happy.

I am all things I want to be. I need to be some things I am not. I have been the things that brought me here. I need to tell a story. My way. In my time. For me.

Apr 11, 2010

Chapter Two

His name was Tony.  He was a cute, harmless young black man.  A girl I was going to hairdressing school was with me at Pacific Centre.  He said we could make a lot of money.  I was intrigued.  I knew what he was getting at.  I do not remember the date, the month or why a smart young woman would be so intrigued.  But I was.  From the minute he mentioned it I knew I was going to do it.

I was living with my Nana at the time.  I had run away from home - again.  I had enrolled in hairdressing school and met a friend there.  I cannot remember her name.  I want to say Nyla or something like that.  How do you forget a name of someone that was involved in the one day that was going to change your world forever?   How do you forget what month, the smell of the air and the reasons why you would say yes to something so scary?

I hope by the time I finish my story some of these answers will be apparent to me.

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